I researched the problem. Some people have mentioned the sc007 procedure. I think it is necessary to introduce the chassis number to rlink. This was done by the service. There's something about this on DDT4ALL. But I'm afraid of the screen going dark so I can try it.
Beiträge von paprika
ok, very strange... Never saw this before... maybe you have to remove and then register your car "for new", perhaps in an other country... Renault Connect (choose any one) but not sure if this will really help you...
But after modifying the .wls file, and opening the RLink Toolbox, the download for "RS Monitor" should start automatically... But without the online-service in background, this will probably not work, so I think you better register your car new in the RLink-Store, as I said...
kind regards
It doesn't start, I tried too many times. I thought I made a mistake somewhere, but I did it on my friend's 2015 model vehicle without any problems. Even though my vehicle is a 2016 model, such a thing exists. I called Renault. I hope they help. They said they would return.
I've been trying to install Rs monitor for days, but it doesn't appear on the R link store. We tried it on another vehicle of the same model. For some reason, the R Link Store service has been terminated for my vehicle. It gives an error like in the image. How can I solve this? 2016 model.
Is the air conditioner cooling water radiator water? My air conditioner is not cooling well.
ve "Kadjar Forumu"na hoş geldiniz
tamam, "Çoklu Duyu Modu"nu etkinleştirmek biraz zordur ve farklı elektronik ünitelerdeki birçok seçeneği değiştirmeniz gerekir.
tabii ki araba modelinizi seçmelisiniz - HFE-Kadjar, sanırım... sonra "Ses"ten "RadNav..." kontrol ünitesine gidebilir ve bu ekranları ve ayarları arayabilirsiniz...
tüm ayarları yeni parametreler belirleyeceksiniz, sarı "yaz" düğmesiyle onaylamanız gerekir... ve tüm ayarları değiştirip kaydettikten sonra, oradaki herhangi bir ekranda "Sert Sıfırlama" düğmesine tıklamanız gerekir...
ve ardından RLink Sistemi yeniden başlatılacak ve tüm yeni ayarlar saklanacak... ve sistemin düzgün ve hatasız olarak yeniden başlaması için dua edin... :Ha:
:aziz: :aziz:
ve bundan sonra ek olarak "Küme enstrümanı" için de yeni ayarlar yapılandırmanız gerekir...
burada ayrıca yeni ayarları satıra kaydetmek için sağ taraftaki sarı düğmelere tıklamanız gerekir ve ardından aşağıdaki büyük "Sıfırla" düğmesine tıklayın... ve "Küme enstrümanı" yeniden başlayacaktır...
ve bundan sonra "Multisense" sisteminin hatasız çalışması gerekiyor... :başparmak yukarı: :başparmak yukarı:
Thanks for the quick and detailed explanation. I hope I don't have any problems. In our country, the service demands a lot of money when the screen crashes. Has anyone experienced this problem when applying this mod? Also, is there any real benefit to doing this? There are people in my country who do this for a fee. They say that in sports mode, the steering becomes harder and throttle responses increase. Do these settings really affect driving?
Hello, how to enable multisense? I found a few posts on the subject, but I wasn't sure exactly what to change. Sorry, my language is not very good. I didn't want to do anything wrong. I think the solution was implemented gradually. What should be the solution from scratch?